2017/18 Season - A note from the Club

Dear Parents and Guardians,

as the season draws to a close our minds turn to the coming season and registering our teams so they can continue to play next season.

This year the club will hold a number of registration sessions which proved very successful in previous years.

The subs for the 2017/18 season will be as follows:

  1. U7, U8 and U9’s - £120
  2. U10 – U18’s - £220 or £200 with £20 discount if subs are paid in full.

To register you will have to pay a minimum of 50% of the above subs.  The remainder will be due by the end of September 2017 (If you are using this method you can leave a post dated cheque(s) for any balance).  Please note that player’s registration cards may be withdrawn if any outstanding balance is not paid by the due date.

There is also a discount of £30 for anyone who has a sibling playing in another Edmonton Rangers Youth FC team.  

Methods of payment available will be by bank transfer (details are on the ‘commitment form’), debit card, cheque or cash.

The registration days will be held at the Haringey Irish Centre, Pretoria Road, London N17 8DX (where last years presentation ceremony was held) on the following days and times:

  1. Tuesday 23rd May from 7.30pm to 9.00pm
  2. Tuesday 30th May from 7.30pm to 9.00pm
  3. Sunday 11th June at Annual Presentation Day, Oakthorpe Playing Fields, N13 6BY.
  4. Tuesday 20th June from 7.30pm to 9.00pm

Please inform your team’s manager if you are unable to attend any of these dates.

Please ensure that you bring 2 new passport style photos (please note that the league require new photos and will not accept the same ones as last year).  New players will also need to bring a copy of your birth certificate, passport or NHS card for registering with the league.

We thank you for your support to the club.

Edmonton Rangers Youth FC Committee

If you are unable to make any of those dates please discuss with the teams manager ASAP. We thanks you for your on-going support as